一个愉快的周末(A happy weekend)

更新时间:2024-04-27 23:27:31

一个愉快的周末(A happy wknd)I hav plannd a happy wknd.Saturday morning, I must go to s m aunt.In th aftrnoon, I must go to th shopping cntr to go shopping.vning, I plannd maks th homwork.Sunday in th morning, I watch th tlvision, th tlvision program is xtrmly intrsting.In th aftrnoon, I plannd listns to music and paints picturs.I thought this wknd I can b vry wary, but is crtainly vry joyful.一个愉快的周末我打算过一个愉快的周末。周六的上午,我要去看望我的阿姨。下午,我要去购物中心买东西。晚上,我打算做家庭作业。周日上午,我看电视,电视节目非常有趣。下午,我打算听音乐和画画。我想这个周末我会很疲劳,但一定很快乐!

一个愉快的周末(A happy weekend)

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