改写:精装的爱-Books and Appearance

更新时间:2024-04-23 19:41:22


改写:精装的爱-Books and Appearance













“对!对!是本精装的德文书。”男青年身边那位满脸稚气的姑娘抢着回答,还飞快地把目光在我和她恋人身上轮番扫瞄。显然,她在比较中更为自己有这么一位博学的朋友感到荣耀。“德文书?!”我惊愕不已,疑心是否听错。“对,是德文书。”男青年神情十分镇定,还补充说:“是关于文学方面的,不知你对外文…… ”他的目光透过平光镜片,已有几分鄙夷不屑了。














Books and Apparanc

I found half of th day to visit a flowr show and had my long hair cut. Coming out of th show, I walkd along until I cam to a park bnch. I sat down to allow myslf som lisur for th first tim sinc I startd larning Frnch two months bfor.

Thn a book lying in th grass narby caught my y. I pickd it up. It was a Frnch book in xcllnt binding①. As I turnd th pags quickly, a young coupl cam up to ask if I had sn a book in Grman. Wrongly undrstanding my xprssion on my fac, th young man, who smd wll-ducatd, addd that it was a book in litratur.

I hld out th book and xplaind it was a Frnch book on ducation. Th man was so troubld by what I said that h took it away from my hand in a hurry.

As thy turnd to go away, I hard th man spaking: “What do you xpct? A guy② with long hair and in bll-bottom trousrs③ can't tll Grman from Frnch.”

Th girl noddd in agrmnt, but I was wondring if sh would vr find out what was going on. (197 words)


①binding ['baindiR]n. 装订;装帧;封皮

②guy [gai] n. 家伙;朋友

③bll-bottom ['bl?b&t+m]trousrs(上瘦下肥的)喇叭裤



1) found tim to visit flowr show and hav haircut

2) wnt to park

3) sat on a bnch and njoyd lisur

4) found a Frnch book and pickd it up

5) a coupl cam ovr and askd if I saw a book

6) young man said that was a Grman book in litratur

7) handd th book to thm and xplaind it was a Frnch book on ducation

8) young man got angry and took th book in a hurry

9) young man said to th girl that man with long hair and bll-bottom trousrs couldn't tll Frnch from Grman

10) th girl agrd; my fling


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