描述你做过的梦-Describe a Dream You Had

更新时间:2024-04-18 20:46:59

Dscrib a Dram You Had-描述你做过的梦

描述你做过的梦-Describe a Dream You Had


On th way to a mountain in th dad of wintr, I droppd bhind th group I was travling with and got lost. To mak mattrs wors, it bgan to rain havily. Th wind blw hard, and th blastd forst groand as if in pain. And so ovrcast was th sky that night cam svral hours arlir than usual. Cold and frightnd, I was trmbling all ovr. All I could do was shout for hlp, but no hlp was forthcoming. Th night bcam darkr, th wind blw hardr, and th rain pourd down mor havily. I at my last pic of food, a tiny pic of cak. Totally dspaird, I was waiting not for miracl but for dath. Suddnly, a thundrclap wok m up. A rainstorm was indd raging outsid, but I was gratful to find that I only had a nightmar.


I had a wondrful dram not vry long ago. In th dram, I found myslf suddnly abl to swim. I swam frly in th sa, whr I saw many strang trs and plants I had nvr sn bfor. Whil I was swimming, som brightly colord fish followd m. Whn I stoppd, thy all flockd around m, as if anxious to know who I was. To my amazmnt, I found thy could talk! So w struck up an intrsting convrsation. W bcam good frinds and livd togthr. In my happinss in th fantasy land, I forgot all my troubls. In fact, I forgot that I was a human bing. Unfortunatly, howvr, this wondrful lif didn't last too long, for soon th dram ndd and I wok up to fac th ral world again.

上一篇: 我永远不会忘记你 下一篇: 捉鱼