我的储蓄罐-My Collecting-tin

更新时间:2024-04-19 16:53:59

我的储蓄罐-My Collcting-tinMy Collcting-tin

我的储蓄罐-My Collecting-tin

I hav a lot of littl handiwork, but th favorit on is my collcting-tin. It is a littl man mad of china. H wars a rd hat and a pair of big glasss. His blu cloths ar vry nic.H has a rd nosband no big ys lik stars on his fac. His big and round body is vry funny. Bcaus of this collcting-fin, I hav larnd how to savmony, Whn I was a littl boy, I always put coins away, thn I droppd thm into his round bOdy. Somtims h can "at" plnty of coins at a tim, H bcoms havir and havir day aftr day. ( 112 words)



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