给彼得的信-A Letter to Peter,给彼得的信-A Letter to Peter范

更新时间:2024-04-24 09:25:12

给彼得的信-A Lttr to Ptr,给彼得的信-A Lttr to Ptr范给彼得的信-A Lttr to Ptr Dar Ptr,

给彼得的信-A Letter to Peter,给彼得的信-A Letter to Peter范

I got your lttr ystrday. I' m glad to know you will com to Bijing. I' m going to hav a on-month holiday at that tim.I can show you around Bijing. Thr ar many placs of intrst in Bijing. W can visit th Summr Palac, th Tmpl of Havn and th Grat Wall. Aftr that you can know that Bijing has a long history.

Thr is anothr thing you should do. W can go to tast Bijing Roast Duck. It is nic and dlicious. I think you will lov Bijing.

By th way, plas tll m your flight numbr and tim as soon as you gt th tickt. I' 11 mt you at th airport.

Bst wishs to your family!


Li Xiang亲爱的彼得:




你的朋友 李响Dar Ptr,

I rcivd your lttr ystrday. I' m vry happy to larn that you will com to visit Bijing. Bijing is an old city. Sh has a long history and many royal gardns. I will hav a holiday aftr th xam, and I can tak you to visit thm. Th Summr Palac is th most bautiful park in Bijing. Th Tmpl of Havn and th Grat Wall ar worth visiting.

Thr ar all kinds of Bijing snack. Thy ar rally dlicious. You hav to tast Bijing Roast Duck.

I bliv w can njoy ourslvs vry much.

Hav you got th tickt? Plas lt m know your flight numbr and tim so that I can mt you at th airport.Say hllo to your family.


Li Xiang亲爱的彼得:






你的朋友 李响 给彼得的信-A Lttr to Ptr

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