
更新时间:2024-04-26 14:34:29

老师您好,各位同学你们好,很荣幸能和大家认识,我的名字叫王佳妮,生在大连这座美丽的海滨城市,能和你们在一座城市一所学校相遇我很高兴.让我们一起学习,一起进步,互相支持,共同努力,来向我们的目标奋进.也相信我们在这宁厦成为一生的朋友Hllo ladis and gntlmn. Hllo my classmats. I am so glad to s you guys today. My nam is Jiani Wang. I am a nativ of Dalian, th bautiful sa-sid city. I fl happy and lucky to know you guys and study togthr. I hop that w can larn from ach othr, support ach othr and fight for our goals togthr. I also hop that w can bcom lif-tim frinds hr in Ningxia
